p>阿富汗尼(afghani),简称阿尼, a href="#" data-lemmaid="129046">
图片尺寸620x517 p>阿富汗尼(afghani),简称阿尼, a href="#" data-lemmaid="129046">
图片尺寸1550x651 p>阿富汗尼(afghani),简称阿尼, a href="#" data-lemmaid="129046">
图片尺寸1426x598 p>阿富汗尼(afghani),简称阿尼, a href="#" data-lemmaid="129046">
图片尺寸600x246afghani rabab: "valley" folksong afghani folksong entitled "
图片尺寸1002x564afghani man portrait
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图片尺寸375x500afghanistan three coin uncirculated set: 1, 2, 5 afghani 2004
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图片尺寸640x6402 afghani democratic republic of afghanistan (1978-1992) copper
图片尺寸500x250now black afghani, cherry queen, black leb, blue hemp leb and
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图片尺寸683x1024smiling woman at afghani refugee camp | flickr – 相片分享!
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图片尺寸857x1200afghanitrance(club mix)_soulbox_单曲在线试听_酷我音乐
图片尺寸500x500a vintage afghani woven armenian rug.
图片尺寸1052x837a vintage afghani wool caucasian rug.