contribute to structure called resonance hybrid dashed curve
图片尺寸511x419the dashed curve represents the empirical accret
图片尺寸1917x1010the area is positive where the ens curve (red line) is to the
图片尺寸938x693the dashed curve is the upper bound suggested by our
图片尺寸640x534the solid curves are for queen control and worker control of
图片尺寸1280x1239the dashed lines correspond to the result for each system in
图片尺寸600x410the dashed red curve shows the transfer function associated
图片尺寸798x1280the power potential of tidal currents in channels
图片尺寸1280x945curve representing the case q = 61ε and the dashed curve
图片尺寸600x473the submillimeter polarization spectrum of m17
图片尺寸600x513the red curve shows the prediction of our revised halofit model
图片尺寸600x536the dashed line indicates the survey sensitivity curve of
图片尺寸500x412and maximum melt flux rate is shown as a dashed red curve
图片尺寸459x498flux change rate per unit length, where the green dashed curve
图片尺寸600x414the dashed curve displays a 15-fold zoom of the solid one
图片尺寸351x455modeling sunspot and starspot decay by turbulent erosion
图片尺寸600x486electromagnetic form factors of singly heavy baryon
图片尺寸1116x720volume 92 number 8 (black dotted curve), 2 (blue dashed curve)
图片尺寸635x412the amplitude of the variability in trappist-1s light curve