hypoglossal nerve
hypoglossal nerve [xii] - illustrations : tongue, lingual
图片尺寸1250x534system for stimulating a hypoglossal nerve for controlling the
图片尺寸1907x2806picture of the glossopharyngeal nerve
图片尺寸500x407vagus nerve
图片尺寸400x320舌下神经hypoglossal nerve主要由躯体运动纤维组成.支配舌肌运动.
图片尺寸450x562hypoglossal nerve (cn ?
图片尺寸434x500hypoglossal-nerve palsy
图片尺寸436x600system for stimulating a hypoglossal nerve for controlling the
图片尺寸1903x2903method of stimulating a hypoglossal nerve for controlling the
图片尺寸1941x1232hypoglossal nerve, cervical plexus, and their branches.
图片尺寸250x274system for stimulating a hypoglossal nerve for controlling the
图片尺寸1090x1782hypoglossal nerve—舌下神经accessory nerve—副神经vagus nerve
图片尺寸424x505method and apparatus for hypoglossal nerve stimulation
图片尺寸2631x1741哈尔滨医科大学pbl七年制 the cranial nerves 脑神经 Ⅰ olfactory
图片尺寸1080x810method and apparatus for hypoglossal nerve stimulation
图片尺寸1468x1333system for stimulating a hypoglossal nerve for controlling the
图片尺寸2035x2382method of stimulating a hypoglossal nerve for controlling the
图片尺寸1996x1392optic canal/foramen; optic nerve and opthalmic artery
图片尺寸800x548hypoglossal nerve
图片尺寸420x328system for stimulating a hypoglossal nerve for controlling the