imperative mood
imperative mood
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图片尺寸500x500语气的种类: 1. 陈述语气(indicative mood): 表示所
图片尺寸1080x810mood mood mood the indicative mood ) the imperative mood ) the
图片尺寸680x510mood mood mood the indicative mood ) the imperative mood ) the
图片尺寸680x510should sustainability be a moral imperative or a selling point?
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图片尺寸1810x874mood mood mood the indicative mood ) the imperative mood ) the
图片尺寸550x302mood mood mood the indicative mood ) the imperative mood ) the
图片尺寸680x510but the categorical imperative comes down against this because
图片尺寸900x506mood mood mood the indicative mood ) the imperative mood ) the
图片尺寸680x510the imperative mood sentence
图片尺寸1080x1438mood mood mood the indicative mood ) the imperative mood ) the
图片尺寸680x510祈使语气(imperative mood)
图片尺寸1398x590mood mood mood the indicative mood ) the imperative mood ) the
图片尺寸680x51073记忆im(我) pera(派你) tive(替我)→命令09短语97imperative