ketone bodies
有机化学命名法(111)ketone bodies
图片尺寸700x465bcf08: lipoproteins and ketone bodies
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图片尺寸1000x7507月21日.29w 4d.ketone:negative.空腹:5.2.
图片尺寸1080x1439bcf08: lipoproteins and ketone bodies
图片尺寸500x405ketone bodies metabolic pathway (pw:0000069)
图片尺寸1080x1438unit 5: synthesis合成 and degradation降解 of biom
图片尺寸599x2357月20日.29w 3d.ketone:negative.空腹5.0.
图片尺寸1080x1439但是当身体消化蛋白质,会产生一种化合物「酮体」(ketone bodies)
图片尺寸400x263 ketone bodies measurable on
图片尺寸310x310metabolic reprogramming induced by ketone bodies diminishes
图片尺寸1200x2099composition and method of assaying for ketone bodies
图片尺寸1760x2345toxic substances such as nitrite and sulfide in water bodies
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