trigonal bipyramid
asymmetry in trigonal bipyramidal geometry
图片尺寸605x586can be used for various bent angles, the trigonal bipyramid
图片尺寸1418x823representation of the distorted tbo 8 dicapped trigonal
图片尺寸1536x923spherical trigonal bipyramid.png
图片尺寸848x852can be used for various bent angles, the trigonal bipyramid
图片尺寸567x329trigonal bipyramidal molecular shape
图片尺寸980x994(a)the sketch of the trigonal bipyramidal
图片尺寸4016x16305 trigonal bipyramid around i 161; (e) a nearly linear s 2i 2
图片尺寸350x721in the online version the mno5 trigonal bipyramids are green
图片尺寸376x429origami box trigonal bipyramid | flickr – 相片分享!
图片尺寸640x505formula, sulfate & quiz
图片尺寸370x280models产品编号: 3427222 规格: phosphorus, trigonal bipyramid
图片尺寸404x480glotzer教授等采用dna修饰的三角双锥(trigonal bipyramids,tbps)